
For the first time, astrophysicists have caught a star eating a planet

4.4 Million Unknown galaxies discovered, and all are billions of light years from Earth

Surprise discovery of world's 2nd deepest blue hole could provide window into Earth's history

NASA successfully hacks the 45-year-old spacecraft from 14 billion miles away

Watch: An 18-year-old built the 'entire known' Universe on Minecraft, block by block

Our Brains Are Too Puny to Fully Understand The Scale of The Universe

The James Webb Space Telescope has captured the first direct image of a distant exoplanet, a world beyond our Solar System

Scientists Discover Huge 'Voids' In the Cosmic Web Connecting the Universe

Earth Has a 27.5-Million-Year 'Heartbeat', But We Have No Idea What Causes It

Sorvagsvatan, the Lake Hanging Over the Ocean

Scientists Finally Solved the Mystery of How the Mayan Calendar Works

Astrobiologists Say Planet Earth Itself Might Actually Be An Intelligent Being

NASA Woke Up Voyager 1 From 14.6 billion miles Away, And The Spacecraft Actually Signaled Back