Pear-Shaped Nuclei Explains The Deficiency Of Anti-Matter And Made Time-Travel Impossible

The shape of 224RA assumed from the CERN measurements,

In physics sometimes verifying the obvious is more difficult
than proving the difficult. The obvious, in this case, is why the universe is
made of “Matter”. From your loud neighbor to the outermost galaxy everything is
made of matter, but the laws of physics are balanced so there should be just as
much antimatter. So why is not there?

We have not got a full image yet, but an international team
of scientists might have discovered very significant evidence. They discovered
that some atomic nuclei are not symmetric, but are in fact pear-shaped.

In a paper printed in Physical Review Letters, scientists
experimented that the isotope Barium-144 is not sphere shaped or oval shaped.
In this short-lived atom, protons and neutrons end up scattered in an irregular
shape, with more mass at one end of the nucleus than another. This discovery is
in conflict with some nuclear theories, and it could even prove that time
travel is unmanageable or even impossible. The pear-shaped scattering of particles break up the
so-called CP-symmetry (CP stands for charge and parity). In C-symmetry, if you change
every particle for its anti-particle, they are expected to act in the same way.
Anti-hydrogen will act like hydrogen, for instance. The P-symmetry is about
space: A system can be reversed, like in a mirror, and the physics should still
be unchanged. CP-symmetry recommends that for every particle rotating anti-clockwise
and decaying in a certain direction, there is an anti-particle rotating clockwise
and decaying in the different direction. Violation of C and CP symmetry are suggested
and expected to clarify the absence of anti-matter in the universe, but so far
only a one or two examples have been discovered.

This is the 2nd atom discovered with an asymmetric-shape and
is another signal that there is more physics beyond what is now expected by the
Standard Model of particle physics. As far as we know, the whole universe is symmetric under CPT (charge, parity, and time), which adds a time
reversal situation. This indicates that if CP is violated, then also the T
symmetry essentially be violated so things do not occur forward and backward in
time. This is another example of a noticeable thing at our level (cracked eggs
do not jump back together) but not in ultimate physics. This discovery strongly
specifies that time is actually broken and it has a definite direction. Co-author Dr Marcus Scheck told the BBC, "We have found
these nuclei exactly point towards a direction in space. This relates to a direction
in time, proving there is a well-defined direction in time and we will permanently
travel from past to present".

The research will now be repeated at CERN at its Isotope
Separator On Line Detector (ISOLDE) facility in Switzerland, which can create
Barium-144 in huge amounts, in the hope of glimpsing what anticipates us further
than the horizon of current physics.
